2019 上海国际仲裁周预通知

更新时间:2019-04-09   编辑:admin   点击次数:0




Main Forum brief introduction 


Date: 20 April, 2019 (Saturday)


Venue: First Floor, District 2, The River Mall, No. 1368 Shibo Avenue, Pudong District, Shanghai

3.主办单位:   中国政法大学 

hosted by:

China University of Political Science and Law


Organized by:Association CEIBS Alumni International Trade and Intellectual Property Protection


Sponsorship: Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm


Theme of this Arbitration Week and Main Forum

Reform and innovate arbitral institution, open up to facilitate development of arbitration industry, optimizing the business environment.


Brief Introduction of this Arbitration Week and Main Forum



Shanghai International Arbitration Week & Forum, hosted by China University of Political Science and Law. Themed with the Arbitration, this event has high-end Forum and series of sub-Forums. Arbitration Week is an international research platform with its aim at promoting arbitration system, developing legal cause and setting up the platform between Arbitration professions with all walks of life.

Shanghai International Arbitration Forum was first held in 2015, then developed into Shanghai International Arbitration Week in 2016. It has been held for three times and has been a domestically and globally significant impactful event. The Fourth Shanghai International Arbitration Week will be held on April 18 (Thu.) –24 (Wed.), 2019. And Shanghai International Arbitration Forum (Main Forum) will be held on April 20.In view of the release of Several Opinions by "General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council ", this forum is intended to invite relevant leaders of the National People's Congress, the Supreme People's Court and the Ministry of Justice to participate in the forum.We warmly welcome all representatives of arbitration practitioners to join us.


The theme of 2019 Shanghai International Arbitration: Reform and innovate arbitral institution, open up to facilitate development of arbitration industry, optimizing the business environment.  Over the past 20 years since the Arbitration Law was promulgated, the cause of China's arbitration has been accompanied by reform and opening up, and has achieved remarkable results. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed "improving the arbitration system and improving the credibility of arbitration", which is not only a diagnosis of the development of arbitration in China, but also a reform task for Chinese arbitration. The recently issued Several Opinions by "General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council " have systematically responded to the accumulation of new problems in China's arbitration and emerging issues. Under the framework of the current Arbitration Law, it proposes reforming the mechanism of the arbitration institution, improving the internal governance of the arbitration institution, implementing the establishment of the industry self-regulation mechanism, and advancing the third-party evaluation of arbitration, laying a foundation for the orderly and high-quality connotative development of arbitration in China, moreover, optimizing the business environment of enterprise and promoting the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises.


By virtue of this, the theme of 2019 Shanghai International Arbitration Week main Forum will be: Reform and innovate arbitral institution, open up to facilitate development of arbitration industry, optimizing the business environment. The themes of Sub-forums will be the related topics.


Apply for a speech of Main Forum


Rule of Agenda: Paper Contributors are of priority


To ensure the quality of the Forum, 2019 Shanghai International Arbitration Forum requests submission by written Papers or related Speeches followed the principle of selecting the best qualified. Each speaker is invited for 8-10 minutes presentations. Requirements are as follows:

  • 围绕“改革创新仲裁制度、开放发展仲裁事业、优化企业营商环境”主题,字数不限、言之有物。

    Themed with the reform and innovate arbitral institution, open up to facilitate development of arbitration industry, optimizing the business environment, the paper should have substantial content without limitation of the word.

  • 投稿欢迎原创文章,亦接受近两年内发表的相关主题文章。

    Original articles and published article within two years are welcome.


    Contributions should be submitted to the Forum email address: shzcz2019@163.com,marked with Submission for 2019 Shanghai International Arbitration Forum.  Please give clear indication about the author bilingually. Submission deadline: 12 April, 2019.

  • 论文及发言参考主题建议(包括但不限于以下内容):

    Reference themes (including but not limited to):

  1. 改革创新仲裁制度

    Reform and Innovation of Arbitration system

  2. 开放发展仲裁事业(国内外视角)

    Open development of Arbitration Cause (from domestic and overseas perspectives)

  3. 改革仲裁机构机制体制、完善仲裁机构内部治理

    Reforming the mechanism of the arbitration institution&Improving the internal governance of the arbitration institution

  4. 进仲裁公信力第三方评估

    Advancing the third-party evaluation of the credibility of arbitration

  5. 国际仲裁与调解等纠纷解决发展最新动态

    The latest developments in dispute resolution such as international arbitration and mediation

  6. 建立行业自治自律机制

    Establishing industry autonomy and self-discipline mechanism

  7. 金融仲裁专题研讨(含互联网金融仲裁)

    Financial Arbitration seminar (including internet financial arbitration)

  8. 房地产与建设工程纠纷解决专题研讨

    Seminar on dispute of real estate industry and construction projects


Notice for attending Main Forum

注:仅参会不需要提交文章,只需提前报名锁定位置,因位置有限,先报先得、报满为止。(参会者请将姓名、单位、职务、手机、邮箱同时发送至shzcz2019@163.comqianmengying@jtnfa.com,邮件请注明“2019上海国际仲裁高峰论坛参会报名”) 参会者并可获赠全套发言资料手册。


Note: Participants are required to sign up by email, unnecessity to submit papers. (Please send name, organization,title, contact number and email address to both emails:shzcz2019@163.comqianmengying@jtnfa.com , marked with Application for 2019 Shanghai International Arbitration Forum)All participants will be awarded with meeting material.

Details of programme will be noticed in early April, and the deadline of application for Main Forum is 15 April.



Sub-Forum Pre-Notice



Shanghai International Arbitration Week is a platform for arbitration and social interaction. The organizers, as always, welcome universities and arbitration institutions to hold sub-forums with us! Sub-forum theme requirements are related to the main forum. All relevant units are welcome to make appointments as early as possible. The theme and schedule of each sub-forum will be announced before 15 April.


Note: Sub-Forums will be held separately by each organizer without the requirement to submit papers.  


Date: 18-24 April 2019


Frequency: around 1-2 sessions per day, half of the day for each Sub-forum, 3-4 hours




Rules: the meeting venue Sub-forum will be decided by each organizer and should be noticed to committee timely.


Suggestion: Jin Mao Tower F18 conference room (88 Century Avenue Pudong New Area Shanghai China)


Conferencing: Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm shall provide conference service and free venue. Please contact the committee before 12 April if needed. 


Organizers: Council members of CAI take priority of holding the Sub-forum; others are welcome to join before 12 April.

拟承办机构请将承办分论坛的主题、时间段、简要内容及联系电话发送至邮箱shzcz2019@163.com 。

Interested institutions should submit theme, date, brief contents and contact number to the conference email address shzcz2019@163.com.


Note: The theme, date, venue and programme of each Sub-forum will be gradually released in before 15 April.
